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Poppy wants to live in a world where everyone's story matters, regardless of their income or way of life.

As a photographer, she's won ribbons at the county fair. As a spiritual seeker and writer, she's been featured in Jen Louden's The Life Organizer and once published an article at allthingsgirl.net.

When she's not writing or photographing her story, she can be found at her day job as a technology consultant, or at home snuggling her cats, or in the park, taking a walk with her husband.

Week 2

Week 2

Day 5: Creativity

7 Likes, 0 Comments - Poppy Lochridge (@awomanthinking) on Instagram: "Creativity. My creative work right now is this shawl. I'm already planning what to make when I..."

In which I demonstrate that I can’t count weeks…..

Do weeks of Lent start on Wednesday since Lent starts on Wednesday, or on Sunday, in which case, those first 4 days are just…. extra? Week 0? I don’t actually know how to count.

Suffice to say, I posted something from the first week of Lent, which is not a full week, it’s a half-week. And then I intended to keep going, but as such things go, I was busy last weekend and didn’t write the anticipated post. And now I’m catching up.

For Creativity, which was the first Monday of Lent, whichever week that puts it in, I snapped a photo of my current knitting project. It’s a shawl, the Love and Light pattern, which I’m knitting in Andean wool. I started it in November, and have now reached the lacework portion, which is much slower to knit, so it’s slow going and I’m waiting for the lacework to start looking pretty instead of looking like it’s been eaten by moths.

The following day, Tuesday, the word was DUST. No pictures there (although there is a dust bunny behind the sofa where the robot vacuum can’t reach that I could have used), but I did do some reading from Sagan’s Cosmos, specifically about the life and death of stars - because we are made from stardust.

There may also have been a segue about whether “DUST” should be taken as a noun, a verb, or a command - which led me fondly to the memory of an internet before Facebook, before MySpace, before LiveJournal, just to text-based Gopher and email, a time when we passed around memes like the “Creativity Quotient”.

Penguin dust is

a. something you buy at your neighborhood pet store.
b. a phrase in a poem by Gregory Corso.
c. fallout registered from an exploding penguin.
d. a command to a penguin, given after “Penguin, do the dishes” or “Penguin, cook-.”

After DUST, we had SILENCE, COMMUNITY, and IMAGINATION - all of which I noted, but didn’t do anything with, as I was wrapping up a week of work in preparation for a week away from work - finishing some projects, handing others off, making notes about what should be done, forwarding my email, and so on.

The week I spent away from work had these words: INCLUSION, DANCE, WATER, COURAGE, WISDOM, DOUBT, MUSIC.

And yes, most days I noted the word, but then went on to contemplate something else. It was a week I had two meetings, including one scheduled to discuss vision statements for UUCE. I did snap this quick shot mid-week, while delivering my husband’s forgotten medication to his office:

4 Likes, 0 Comments - Poppy Lochridge (@awomanthinking) on Instagram: "For #uulent2020, sometimes COURAGE is knowing you're gonna suck at it and doing it anyway. See..."

And now we are caught up, and checking a calendar tells me this is the 3rd Sunday, starting the 3rd week of Lent. I’m back to work tomorrow, even as everybody else on the planet is trying to stay home.

Week 3

Week 3

Forty Days

Forty Days